
Most organisations will, at some point, have needed to address issues relating to a manager’s performance, either in facing current challenges or in preparing to meet the future. While formal training programmes can help in many ways, the ability of managers to follow up and effectively build upon the knowledge imparted in the classroom can vary.

Indeed, in business environments where managers are busier than ever, your course delegates can enjoy the learning experience, take the course documentation and their course notes, close the attractively decorated ring binder and go right back to their previous behaviour!

How professional mentoring can help

Much more economical than formal training – no classroom time, so no lost productivity. The total investment is usually lower too.

Tangible, visible results – FAST! You will usually see the difference in a couple of weeks; even faster when mentoring is for specific skills such as budget preparation (and reduction!), interview skills and communications skills.

Reduce risk – a manager performing at the edge of his/her skills envelope is high maintenance for their line manager, for HR and for their teams. In the worst case scenario, replacing that manager can be a costly business as well. Increasing skills in this specific and targeted way improves results, motivation and retention.

My approach

I and my associates are are experienced leaders, motivators, presenters and line managers with experience mentoring all levels of staff. Before the assignment starts we will work with you to identify the right mentor for your team member based on their personality, the challenge you identify and your business culture.

A typical assignment lasts from one to three months and consists of a few weekly sessions one-to-one with the mentor to set goals and review progress, followed by weekly phone or internet video calls and a review/wrap up session at the end.

Immediate needs such as an important presentation, significant budget reduction or organisational restructuring can be met by increasing the frequency of meetings or having the mentor located in your premises on a full-time or part-time basis.